2015 Scholarships

The application period for scholarships is now over. The Secretariat is not able respond to emails requesting updates on the progress of scholarship applications. All applications are being reviewed by a screening committee, and applicants will be notified regarding the outcome of their scholarship applications no later than 31 January 2015. 

We are pleased to offer scholarships to selected individuals from low- and middle-income countries who would otherwise be unable to attend the World Conference on Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) without financial assistance. We are pleased to offer partial scholarships for the conference which may include conference registration fee, hotel accommodation, transportation costs and a small per diem. There will be only very few full scholarships which will include all of the above.

The number of scholarships and amount of funding is dependent upon available donor support. Some donors have specific requirements that may not be applicable to all applicants.

Scholarships are only open to those who have received confirmation of an approved oral or poster abstract, or are speaker or chair of an approved symposia, workshop and/or post-graduate course.

Please review the list of eligible countries here.


Abstract Authors – Scholarship submission has now closed

Invited Speakers/Chairs – Scholarship submission has now closed

Note: Youth Pre-Conference Workshop scholarship applications are also now closed.